Shipping is available worldwide. Your shipments will be sent via DHL. You will receive a tracking number along with your order confirmation via email to track the delivery status. Standard shipping costs may vary depending on the destination country and will be calculated at the end of the ordering process.
>List of prices:Country | Shipping Costs | Shipping Time* |
Germany | €0 | 2-4 working days |
Belgium | €13.90 | 2-5 working days |
Bulgaria | €13.90 | 2-7 working days |
Denmark | €13.90 | 2-5 working days |
Estonia | €13.90 | 2-7 working days |
Finland | €13.90 | 2-7 working days |
France | €13.90 | 2-5 working days |
Greece | €13.90 | 2-7 working days |
Ireland | €13.90 | 2-7 working days |
Italy | €13.90 | 2-5 working days |
Croatia | €13.90 | 2-7 working days |
Latvia | €13.90 | 2-5 working days |
Lithuania | €13.90 | 2-5 working days |
Luxembourg | €13.90 | 2-5 working days |
Malta | €13.90 | 2-5 working days |
Netherlands | €13.90 | 2-5 working days |
Norway | €24.50 | 2-7 working days |
Austria | €9.00 | 2-4 working days |
Poland | €13.90 | 2-5 working days |
Portugal | €13.90 | 2-5 working days |
Romania | €13.90 | 2-7 working days |
Sweden | €13.90 | 2-5 working days |
Switzerland | €27.50 | 2-4 working days |
Slovakia | €13.90 | 2-7 working days |
Slovenia | €13.90 | 2-7 working days |
Spain | €13.90 | 2-5 working days |
Czech Republic | €13.90 | 2-7 working days |
Hungary | €13.90 | 2-5 working days |
United Kingdom | €19.50 | 2-7 working days |
Cyprus | €13.90 | 2-7 working days |
Worldwide | €39.00 | 7-10 working days |
How can you track the shipment of your order?
Once your order has been shipped, you will automatically receive an email notification with your tracking number. Please note that it may take some time for DHL tracking to update. If tracking information is not available after several days, please contact us at
How long does delivery take?
The delivery time may vary depending on DHL's workload and customs clearance in the destination country. You can see the estimated delivery time for your country in the table above.
Are additional taxes and customs duties required?
For shipments outside the EU, additional duties, taxes, and fees may apply. Please research the specific regulations of your destination country before placing your order. All additional costs incurred are your responsibility.